Letter to Santa

Constructing Your Letter To Santa:

Your Letter to Santa - Part 1

Let's dive into the fun part: what do you wish for this Christmas? But how can you ensure Santa will consider your wishes? That's where this guide comes in handy, helping you decide what truly matters to you this year. Write down everything you desire, knowing you can adjust your list later.

Next, ponder: "Why do I want that?" Reflect on last year's desires. Which ones were fulfilled? Were they as satisfying as expected? Highlight the items you deem most important to you.

So, grab a pencil, start jotting down your wishes, and consider what you can do to bring joy to Santa's heart. Your efforts may just influence his gift-giving decisions!

Your Letter to Santa - Part 2

Now that your list is ready, let's focus on a crucial part of your letter: explaining why you deserve Santa's attention.

Here are some points to consider:

  • Do you maintain a tidy room?

  • Are you diligent with your homework?

  • Do you show kindness to your family, friends, and neighbors?

  • If you have pets, do you assist in their care?

  • Do you offer help to others?

  • Are you respectful towards your teachers?

These are the qualities Santa appreciates hearing about. While it may feel odd to speak highly of yourself, discussing your actions isn't boastful; it's demonstrating your character.